The Farr Family

This Is the Blog of the Farr family, Sam and Wendy Farr and their Daughters Nichola and Helen plus their husbands Andy Higby and David Mattock. They all live in the Bath Area. Sam works as a freelance photographer after taking voluntary redundancy from The Bath Chronicle after 20 years, Andy is a freelance Manager for various Charities and David a Computer programmer. David and Helen have our two Granddaughters, Tabitha and Lottie they can be seen at

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Bath Theatre Royal

These are pictures taken at a children’s show,
at Bath Theatre Royal about 5 years ago.

I don’t remember much, except the woman played
the ukulele on roller skates while doing the splits.

Then her companion arrived on a jet powered pogo stick,
which exploded much to the children’s delight.


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